Jake begun attending Colby with his parents in 2001. After living for a few years in Saskatchewan to attend Briercrest College and take a crack at rock stardom, Jake moved back to Nova Scotia and began serving at Colby in 2011 as an associate pastor. In August 2013, Jake became our lead pastor.
Jake and Kaylah “kind-of-but-not-really” met on an airplane in late 2009. They began dating a few months later and were married in 2013. Kaylah, hailing from the almost-Canadian state of Minnesota, was already well learned in the ways of the Canadian; though before meeting Jake had only actually met a couple of Canadians. Nor did she ever dream of becoming a “pastor’s wife”… though she is probably the nicest person you will ever meet, which helps in this position (and her job with WestJet!).
Together Jake and Kaylah love spending time with friends and family, walking their dog-child Chloe, dreaming about living more healthily and travelling as cheaply as possible. They love serving people and the church in a variety of ways, and between the two of them they cover a lot of ground.